Eyebrow Transplant

This patient underwent an eyebrow transplant with authentic natural results

Currently, eyebrow transplant is  getting popular in male and female patients in the Philippines because  of its permanent and natural results. It  is an advanced and very difficult procedure , but  in the experience of Dr. Arambulo, eyebrow restoration is highly effective and successful  and our  patients are happy even with a single session.

Eyebrow contour provides facial expression and is significantly important to a person’s appearance, contributing to the femininity or masculinity of the face. Without them, a person feels incomplete, self-conscious, and unnatural and this can cause great distress and anxiety for the individual . Dr. Arambulo restores or augment the eyebrows either cosmetic  tattoo or hair restoration surgery.The eyebrow  transplant is performed by strip follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or by follicular unit extraction (FUE). The goal is to create a satisfactory and natural-looking transplanted eyebrow shape according to the patients’ desire. The eyebrow restoration or augmentation  procedure is even more challenging and difficult for patients who prefer  eyebrow transplant by FUE technique.

The eyebrow hair transplant Philippines experience ,Dr. Arambulo relates that though successful is not as popular as in other country. From her experience the success depends on the following: physician’s proper patient evaluation and education, innate passion, artistry and experience of the surgeon knowledge of eyebrow anatomy, attention to procedure details with the ability to reproduce the most acute angle and direction using single hair grafts  and proper instrumentation to avoid graft trauma . In the  experience of Dr. Arambulo, even after just one session of eyebrow transplant, our patients are satisfied and happy with  natural  results.

Eyebrow transplant  Philippines

This patient with thinning eyebrows underwent eyebrow hair transplant to increase the volume and improve his manly appearance.

In the 2nd edition of the book entitled: “Practical Aspects of Hair Transplantation in Asian, Dr. Arambulo is a contributing author of chapter 57 on "Eyebrow Transplantation  in East and Southeast Asians: which features her experience and technique on eyebrow hair transplant in the Philippines. Her authentic results speak for themselves.


Eyebrow Hair Transplant Philippines

Eyebrow transplant in female, lacking the eyebrow tail. This the result after 1 session,

The donor's hairs come from the scalp which, when transplanted into the eyebrows, continue to grow for a lifetime and therefore need to be trimmed initially once a week.To provide a natural appearance, this very delicate procedure, requires perfect placement of ultrafine hairs into tiny incisions that are angled at just the right direction and positioned to mimic natural growth.

Performed usually under a mild oral sedative, the 2–4 hours procedure is essentially painless, as is the recovery period.

For the first 2 to 4 days after the procedure, tiny crusts are around each transplanted hair.

By 3 to 5 days, other than some occasional mild pinkness which fades out by the first week, patients are able to return to normal activities without any sign of having had a procedure.

Sutures that are placed in the donor area are removed after 1 week.

Eyebrow transplant Philippines

Dr.Arambulo lectures on The ART in eyebrow transplant during the ISHRS annual World Congress, in Thailand and Malaysia

Dr. Julieta Peralta Arambulo lectured several times  abroad and here  about her experience about eyebrow transplant in the Philippines .Her first lecture  entitled   “ FUE Eyebrow Transplant  Philippine Experience  with the use  of Implanter” during the last 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and  October 2014 and in Asian Association of Hair Restoration Surgeon 5th annual Scientific Workshop in Hair Restoration and Live Surgery Workshop last March 31 to April 2,2017, in Bangkok, Thailand

Moustache and Beard Transplant

Facial Hair Transplant