Female Pattern Baldness

Female Pattern Hair Loss also called Female Pattern Baldness is a genetic condition that has a different clinical presentation compared to Male Pattern Alopecia. To compare with affected male, the affected female has a diffuse hair loss pattern.

For female patient's experiencing hair loss, a careful assessment of scalp conditions , pattern of thinning hair evaluation and complete clinical history by a board certified dermatologist become very important.

Surgical treatment for female hair loss in the experience of Dr. Arambulo is successful. Below are our hair transplant before and after photos in our patients with Female Pattern Hair Loss :

Female Pattern Baldness | Asian Hair Restoration Center

Female Pattern Baldness | Asian Hair Restoration Center

This  patient  with female pattern baldness had 1 session of hair transplant procedure by STRIP technique


This patient had hair transplant lowering of hairline . She had 1 session by STRIP procedure. The hair transplant results shown here was 4 months after her procedure.

Women often undergo an extensive workup before arriving at a diagnosis of Female Pattern Baldness.They may start by seeing their internist, then their OB/GYN, their endocrinologist, and even a naturopath before seeing a dermatolo­gist or hair loss specialist. Along the way, they may be told that the hair loss is due to stress, adrenal fatigue, or “low-normal” thyroid function, all of which when corrected fails to stop the hair loss. Then they find you. In a matter of seconds, you recognize the presence of miniaturized hairs either on clinical examination or with the use of dermoscopy. Finally, they get the diagnosis they have been dreading: female pattern hair loss. They believe nothing can be done for them.

Many in our field would argue it’s not worth even treating women for female pattern baldness, citing concerns about donor area, the scarcity of effective treatments, or how difficult it can be to achieve patient satisfaction. But these concerns should not prompt us to give up. Rather, women can be some of the most rewarding patients to treat according to Dr. Arambulo. Using simple things like handouts, dermoscopy, and photography can help increase understanding, reduce confusion, increase compliance, and dramatically improve their response to treatment.

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